The year was coming to a close, and while we were frantically working to keep up with everything, we were surprised by two pieces of incredible news.

Firstly we heard we had nominated for an award by Global Health and Pharma, in their Pet Category. We were nominated as the UK's Best Specialist Canine Accessory retailer. To say we were surprised is an understatement, but once we got over the shock, we picked ourselves up and got on with it.

Then there was more news. We had been nominated for a second award. This time it was by CorporateLivewire. They have nominated us for Innovation & Excellence in their Animal Chapter. Now we were really thrown. We absolutely loved that we had been nominated, but were just completely gobsmacked.
As much as we like to think we are growing and becoming better known, it was an absolute delight to find that we had firstly been nominated, and secondly that we had been shortlisted in both awards.
And then, early December, just as we were back gearing up for the busy Christmas season, we got a real surprise. We found out that we were the winners of the Global Health and Pharma award for UK's Best Specialist Canine Accessory retailer. We are delighted!
We are looking forward to the CorporateLiveWire results announcements, and hope to move into 2018 with a few more accolades under our belts.
Please contact us if you would like any images or any further information.