Poop Porter Poop | Used Poo Bag Holder


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Long paws 04

If I had to pick a favourite product, this may just be it. I have no problem picking up my dogs poop, but I really do not enjoy walking around holding the bag until I find a poop bin. That's where Poop Porter was born.

Poop Porter is a lightweight caddy, that attaches to your leash or bag, and holds the knotted end of a used poop bag, leaving your hands free to do whatever they want, other than holding the poop. It can easily hold two full poop bags at a time, and that include those from the big dogs. 

Poop Porter has a second hole for carrying a few new poop bags too. Poop Porter takes the pain out of walking around carrying your dogs used poop bag in your hand.





I received the products and they are amazing. I will be trying them out over this week. 

Annabelle, Apr 2022