Some dogs, like Labrador Retrievers, Newfoundlands, and Pekingese tend to shed a lot. Others, like Dachshunds, Poodles, and Border Terriers seem to be almost shed-free. There are reasons why some dogs shed and others don’t shed at all. But how do you deal with dog shedding? Different dog breeds shed...
We won an Award and have been nominated for another
Elan Mansur
The year was coming to a close, and while we were frantically working to keep up with everything, we were surprised by two pieces of incredible news. Firstly we heard we had nominated for an award by Global Health and Pharma, in their Pet Category. We were nominated as the...
What Does BREXIT Mean for Long Paws
Elan Mansur
The UK recently made the sad decision to leave the EU. For some people the decision may have been expected, but for us, it came as a big and unwelcome disappointment. The question we are left with is, "where to next?" and unfortunately we do not yet know the answer....
New Silver 500ml Pet Water Bottle
Elan Mansur
It's been over a year since we last launched a new Pet Water Bottle, so this one is way overdue. We are delighted to introduce to you, our new 500ml Silver design. The bottle uses the same patented mechanism as our other Pet Water Bottles, and has a new clean crisp design...